Distribution of Forward Returns by 200MA Slope

Distribution of Forward Returns by 200MA Slope This great chart shows the distribution of forward returns when the slope of S&P 500’s 200-day moving average is lower, flat or higher. Image: Ritholtz Wealth Management

How to Double your Money in the Market

How to Double your Money in the Market In this video, Josh Brown, financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC, explains why the power of compounding can help you double your money. You may also like “The Long-Term Impact of Compounded Returns” and why Albert Einstein said “Compound Interest Is the Eighth Wonder of the World.”…

How is the Relationship Between the Fed and the Stock Market?

How is the Relationship Between the Fed and the Stock Market? The stock market influences the real economy of goods and services through the wealth effect. And the Fed responds to stock price movements only to the extent justified by their impact on the macro economy. A picture is worth a thousand words, and Hedgeye shows…

The stock market vs. the economy explained

The stock market vs. the economy explained Josh Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, explains the relationship between the stock market and the economy. His analogy is quite simple: the dog is the stock market and the man walking the dog is the economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59im9CtR9YI