Time in Recession

Time in Recession Since 1950, the United States has spent 10% of the time in recession compared to 33% for Argentina. Image: Bloomberg

Total Debt by Sector for Developed & Emerging Economies

Total Debt by Sector for Developed & Emerging Economies Argentina is the least indebted market in terms of GDP, while Japan is the most indebted market in terms of GDP. The United States’ total debt is 252% of GDP. Image: Pictet Asset Management

Why We Should Not Be Afraid By China’s Debt?

Why We Should Not Be Afraid By China’s Debt? In China, there is a high level of savings and controls on capital outflows. Currently, most of the Chinese savings are lent or invested in China. So, China’s debt reflects the Chinese savings rate. It would be much more worrying if China’s debt led to external debt,…