Housing – Global House Prices

Housing – Global House Prices With a year-over-year increase of 6.6%, U.S. house prices are posing a greater challenge for prospective homebuyers in their pursuit of purchasing a home. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Housing Market – MBA Purchase Index

U.S. Housing Market – MBA Purchase Index Mortgage applications in the U.S. continue to decline due to a combination of high interest rates and elevated home prices, resulting in a 28-year low. Image: The Daily Shot

Housing Market – U.S. MBA Purchase Index

Housing Market – U.S. MBA Purchase Index Mortgage applications are on a downward trend as mortgage rates rise, which is a major factor in the slowdown in the U.S. housing market. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Housing Affordability

U.S. Housing Affordability Housing affordability set to improve in the United States. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

U.S. Housing Starts and New One Family Houses

U.S. Housing Starts and New One Family Houses Housing starts declined 0.5% in November. Usually, a continued downturn may signal a contraction of the economy. And historically, a decline in residential real estate has led several recessions. But housing is already in a slump and shouldn’t cause a recession.

Housing Market – U.S. Pending Home Sales

Housing Market – U.S. Pending Home Sales Recession is coming in the United States. U.S. pending home sales, down 30% from a year ago, are a good leading indicator of the housing market. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy