Insiders Sales in U.S. Listed Companies

Insiders Sales in U.S. Listed Companies Last month, U.S. executives sold stocks in their own companies as the S&P 500 rallies on. This is the biggest burst of selling since 2015. Image: Financial Times

Listed Companies vs. Investment Funds

Listed Companies vs. Investment Funds There are almost as many equity investment funds as there are stocks to invest in. Image: Topdown Charts

Number of Listed Companies in the U.S.

Number of Listed Companies in the U.S. The U.S. stock market is shrinking. There are fewer firms listed on U.S. stock exchanges than 20 years ago. Image: Financial Times

U.S. vs. China – Number of Listed Companies, IPO

U.S. vs. China – Number of Listed Companies, IPO There are fewer firms listed on U.S. exchanges than 20 years ago. And the U.S. has also fewer listed public companies than China. Image: Financial Times

Market Capitalization of Listed Companies

Market Capitalization of Listed Companies This nice visualization shows the U.S. stock market capitalization compared to the rest of the world. Image:

No One Loses Money in China?

No One Loses Money in China? That’s pretty curious. Very few Chinese companies appear to have a negative return on equity (ROE) compared to NYSE listed firms. Image: Wind Information