U.S. Dollar – Share of Global Currency Reserves

U.S. Dollar – Share of Global Currency Reserves Despite some countries seeking to reduce their dependence on the U.S. dollar, it remains the dominant global reserve currency, accounting for 58% of total reserves, significantly surpassing the euro at 19.8% and the yen at 5.6%. Image: Bloomberg

The Federal Reserve and Financial Crisis

The Federal Reserve and Financial Crisis While the current rate hiking cycle hasn’t caused widespread financial crises yet, it’s premature to say it’s entirely different. The Fed must carefully balance controlling inflation, achieving maximum employment, and ensuring financial stability. Image: Real Investment Advice

The U.S. Dollar As A Reserve Currency

The U.S. Dollar As A Reserve Currency While the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency may evolve and share influence with other currencies, it is expected to remain a dominant currency for the foreseeable future. Image: BofA Global Research

Annual Changes in Central Bank Gold Reserves

Annual Changes in Central Bank Gold Reserves The significant increase in gold reserves by China, Poland, and Singapore in 2023 reflects a broader trend of central banks expanding their holdings of bullion amid escalating geopolitical and economic risks. Image: BofA Global Research

U.S. Bank Reserves as a Percent of GDP

U.S. Bank Reserves as a Percent of GDP As bank reserves relative to GDP gradually return to normal levels, they will no longer contribute to the upward momentum of equity valuation multiples. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Global U.S. Dollar Reserves

Global U.S. Dollar Reserves Will global U.S. dollar reserves continue to decrease over time? Image: Alpine Macro