Ownership of Developed Markets Government Debt

Ownership of Developed Markets Government Debt Most U.S. government debt is owned domestically, while foreign investors hold a smaller but still significant portion. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Global Government Debt

Global Government Debt Global government debt has skyrocketed since the global financial crisis, reaching its highest level in peacetime and posing significant challenges and vulnerabilities for governments and economies worldwide. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Central Bank Ownership of Domestic Government Debt

Central Bank Ownership of Domestic Government Debt This chart shows the rise of central banks as holders of sovereign debt, pushing sovereign yields to historically low levels. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

U.S. Gross Government Debt to GDP

U.S. Gross Government Debt to GDP U.S. government debt is expected to grow and could increase the likelihood of a fiscal crisis in the future. Image: Reuters

Different Holders of DM Government Debt

Different Holders of DM Government Debt The chart shows the historical breakdown of different holders of DM government bonds and overall DM debt-to-GDP. Even with QE, central bank government bond holdings are below historical peaks. Image: BlackRock Investment Institute

What Does Government Debt Look Like Across the Globe?

What Does Government Debt Look Like Across the Globe? Government debt has risen to over $63 trillion in absolute terms. Japan is the most indebted countries in the world, with debt-to-GDP ratio of 237.6% in 2017. The United States debt-to-GDP ratio is 105.2% in 2017. Image: howmuch.net