U.S. Market Shares in China

U.S. Market Shares in China U.S. companies are clearly losing market share in key sectors in China, while President Trump wants American companies to leave China. Image: Oxford Economics

U.S. Retail Market Share by Category

U.S. Retail Market Share by Category This chart shows how quickly online shopping is eating the traditional retail world. Image: Institute of International Finance

Oil Prices and OPEC Market Share

Oil Prices and OPEC Market Share OPEC’s market share is falling. Interesting chart showing oil prices and OPEC market share. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

Market Capitalization of Five Largest Companies as Share of S&P 500 Total

Market Capitalization of Five Largest Companies as Share of S&P 500 Total The five largest companies account for 29% of the S&P 500’s total market capitalization, sparking discussions about diversification. Maintaining a well-diversified portfolio is crucial for effective risk management. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Share of U.S. Corporate Profits from Foreign Markets

Share of U.S. Corporate Profits from Foreign Markets Foreign markets, including emerging markets, significantly contribute to the profits of U.S. corporations. Specifically, they account for 16% of U.S. corporate profits, with emerging markets making up 4% of these profits. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research