U.S. Labor Productivity

U.S. Labor Productivity Productivity is key to prosperity. Labor productivity continues to tumble in the United States. Image: The Daily Shot

Productivity Growth in the U.S.

Productivity Growth in the U.S. The coronavirus pandemic has boosted productivity in the United States and helps explain some of the strong gains in the stock market. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management

U.S. Real GDP and Productivity

U.S. Real GDP and Productivity The U.S. economy is slowing down and productivity falls by most since 2015. Is the drop in productivity temporary? Image: Oxford Economics

U.S. Productivity Growth and Hourly Compensation

U.S. Productivity Growth and Hourly Compensation When wages lag behind productivity growth, workers do not receive their fair share of the wealth created. Image: Economic Policy Institute

Productivity: How Productive is an Hour of Work?

Productivity: How Productive is an Hour of Work? An hour’s work in Ireland contributes $102.3 to the economy, while in the U.S., this contribution is on average $72.1 Image: Statista

Does U.S. Productivity Increase Under Trump?

Does U.S. Productivity Increase Under President Trump? The answer is yes, because businesses have invested. Even if Net Domestic Investment to GDP is in a long-term downtrend, that’s good news for the U.S. economy. Keep in mind that it is a key factor in extending the business cycle. US Productivity has increased, because US companies have invested,…

Increased Productivity Boosts Profits Margins

Increased Productivity Boosts Profits Margins When a company increases productivity, it makes more products without increasing costs. Higher productivity can improve the company’s profit margin and total profits. During this business cycle, productivity has increased at an average rate of 1.3% year-over-year. But productivity has been cut in half since the previous business cycle. You…

Why U.S. Productivity Is Lower Than In Previous Business Cycles?

Why U.S. Productivity Is Lower Than Previous Business Cycles? The real yield is the most important measure of financial tightness. But as the real yield is near zero, artificially low interest rates are then associated with unnecessary debt, zombie firms and lower productivity than previous business cycles. Zombie firms cannot invest, innovate and increase productivity. …