Inflation, Hard Data and Soft Data

Inflation, Hard Data and Soft Data Hard data are back above long-run averages. But the chart clearly shows the divergence between hard data and soft data. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

U.S. Hard Data and Soft Data

U.S. Hard Data and Soft Data U.S. hard data is improving. But the chart still shows the large divergence between U.S. hard data and soft data. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

U.S. Hard Data vs. Soft Data

U.S. Hard Data vs. Soft Data U.S. hard data is improving, but the chart shows the current divergence between U.S. hard data and soft data. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

Hard Economic Data

Hard Economic Data Hard economic data is improving in Eurozone, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the United States. Image: Arbor Research & Trading

How’s the U.S. Economy Doing Now?

How’s the U.S. Economy Doing Now? The real GDP Nowcast relies on soft data such as consumer and business surveys and hard data such as retail sales and industrial production. It forecasts the growth of real GDP. At full employment, GDP returns to the level of potential GDP. If a recession were to occur today,…

Second-half Recovery in Growth?

Second-half Recovery in Growth? Better economic data could extend the business cycle. Currently, G7 & BRIC leading indicators remain encouraging and suggest no imminent recession. Image: Richardson Wealth