U.S. High Yield Spreads

U.S. High Yield Spreads Having tight credit spreads is like being on a rollercoaster with no safety bar—looks fun until you realize you should’ve paid more attention! Image: Bloomberg

U.S. Yield Curve – Which Yield Spread Matters?

U.S. Yield Curve – Which Yield Spread Matters? An inverted yield curve, which has preceded every U.S. recession over the past 50 years, is something that investors should care about. Image: Real Investment Advice

Coronavirus – EM High Yield Spread

Coronavirus – EM High Yield Spread The coronavirus pandemic has left credit spreads at distressed levels for a number of EM high-yield sovereigns. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

High Yield Spread vs. U.S. Default Rate

High Yield Spread vs. U.S. Default Rate Current high yield spreads are predicting decline in U.S. default rates. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

High Yield Spread to Worst

High Yield Spread to Worst Is the panic over for high-yield bond investors, as global coronavirus fears intensify? Image: J.P. Morgan