Different Market Sentiment Indicators

Different Market Sentiment Indicators Most market sentiment indicators show a willingness to take on risk, suggesting an optimistic outlook for the market. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Market Sentiment Indicator

Market Sentiment Indicator Morgan Stanley’s market sentiment indicator is currently in a neutral position. This suggests that investors do not have an overly bullish or bearish outlook on the current market conditions. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

Market Sentiment – Levkovich Index

Market Sentiment – Levkovich Index The Levkovich Index, or Panic/Euphoria Model, is currently in a state of “euphoria”, indicating a high level of optimism among investors. Image: Yahoo Finance

Global Equity Market Sentiment

Global Equity Market Sentiment Global investors are still optimistic, as global stock market sentiment remains above its one-year rolling average. Image: Nomura

Market Sentiment Indicator

Market Sentiment Indicator Are investors too optimistic? The SocGen sentiment indicator is stretched. Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research

Market Sentiment (AAII)

Market Sentiment (AAII) Are AAII investors too bearish? The S&P 500 is up 30%, but there are now more bears than at the March lows. Image: Fidelity Investments

Market Sentiment Indicators

Market Sentiment Indicators Most market sentiment indicators are still at low levels. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Market Sentiment Index

Market Sentiment Index The market sentiment index is at a bearish extreme, but the stock market can still decline further. Image: Alpine Macro