WTI Crude Oil to Gold Ratio

WTI Crude Oil to Gold Ratio At its extremes, the oil-to-gold ratio has been a reliable indicator of when to invest in oil and gold, providing valuable insights for traders and investors. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Crude Oil WTI

Crude Oil WTI Will oil prices continue to fall as recession fears mount? Image: The Daily Shot

Inflation – S&P 500/WTI

Inflation – S&P 500/WTI Could the United States face an energy crisis? Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

WTI Crude Oil Price Seasonality

WTI Crude Oil Price Seasonality Seasonality suggests that oil prices tend to move lower into year end. Image: Topdown Charts

Model Estimates for WTI Crude Oil

Model Estimates for WTI Crude Oil Should investors expect higher oil prices, as vaccines should end the pandemic? Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

WTI Crude Oil Technicals

WTI Crude Oil Technicals Technicals suggest higher oil prices are possible. Image: Fundstrat Global Advisors, LLC