U.S. Stock Market Bull and Bear Indicator

U.S. Stock Market Bull and Bear Indicator Using multiple financial data, this great model helps investors navigate through different market conditions. It suggests whether the U.S. stock market tendency is bullish, bearish or neutral. It is a contrarian indicator. A bullish signal suggests that the U.S. stock market may go up, while a bearish signal…

Stock Market Bull and Bear Indicator

This powerful indicator looks into the US stock market and suggests whether it is bullish, bearish or neutral Using multiple financial data, this great model helps investors navigate through different market conditions. It suggests whether the US stock market tendency is bullish, bearish or neutral. It is a contrarian indicator. A bullish signal suggests that…

Market Sentiment Indicator

Market Sentiment Indicator Morgan Stanley’s market sentiment indicator is currently in a neutral position. This suggests that investors do not have an overly bullish or bearish outlook on the current market conditions. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

S&P 500 Index Returns – The Day 100 Indicator

S&P 500 Index Returns – The Day 100 Indicator Historically, if the S&P 500 Index is up more than 10% YTD on day 100, it tends to be bullish through the rest of the year. Image: LPL Research

Sentiment Indicator – Current vs. Market Peak

Sentiment Indicator – Current vs. Market Peak Currently, this sentiment indicator is relatively bullish compared to the last ten years. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Sentiment Indicator (SI)

Sentiment Indicator (SI) Are investors too bullish? The sentiment indicator is above average at 1.7 standard deviations. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Sentiment Indicator

Sentiment Indicator Are investors be too bullish? Currently, the sentiment indicator is above average at 1.2 standard deviations. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

S&P 500 and S&P 500 Cumulative Net Up Volume

S&P 500 and S&P 500 Cumulative Net Up Volume New highs in S&P 500 cumulative net up volume, along with other bullish indicators, suggest that the S&P 500 may continue to reach new highs, reflecting a robust market environment. Image: BofA Global Research

S&P 500 and 3-Month VIX Relative to VIX (VIX3M/VIX)

S&P 500 and 3-Month VIX Relative to VIX (VIX3M/VIX) The 3-month VIX relative to the VIX closing at an oversold level below 1 is a potentially significant indicator of market sentiment. This can be interpreted as a sign of capitulation and possibly a contrarian bullish signal. Image: BofA Global Research