Different Market Sentiment Indicators
Different Market Sentiment Indicators Most market sentiment indicators reflect a willingness to take on risk, suggesting an optimistic outlook for the market. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Different Market Sentiment Indicators Most market sentiment indicators reflect a willingness to take on risk, suggesting an optimistic outlook for the market. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Market-Implied Probability of a Recession Starting Within 1 Year and Market-Implied Probability of Being in a Recession The current market-implied probability of a U.S. recession occurring within the next 12 months stands at 35%, which is quite high by historical standards. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
U.S. Stock Market Bull and Bear Indicator Using multiple financial data, this great model helps investors navigate through different market conditions. It suggests whether the U.S. stock market tendency is bullish, bearish or neutral. It is a contrarian indicator. A bullish signal suggests that the U.S. stock market may go up, while a bearish signal…
S&P 500 Bull Markets The ongoing bull market shows no signs of slowing down. On average, bull markets since 1950 have persisted for more than five years, delivering an average return of more than 180%. Image: Carson Investment Research
Corporate Client Buybacks as a % of S&P 500 Market Capitalization BofA’s corporate clients are currently engaging in significant stock buyback activities, marking an all-time high. This trend is generally perceived as a positive indicator for the broader market. Image: BofA Securities
Sentiment – Risk Appetite and Expected U.S. Equity Market Performance In October, U.S. equity investors have shown an improved risk appetite. However, it remains in negative territory amid persistent worries about potential near-term market losses. Image: S&P Global Market Intelligence
Market – Net Buys by Sector Last week, ETFs recorded the largest inflows, while the tech sector saw the largest outflows from BofA’s private clients. Image: BofA Securities
Emerging Market Equity Flows Emerging market equity funds have seen their second largest inflow ever, driven by investor optimism surrounding recent economic stimulus measures announced by the Chinese government. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
U.S. Labor Market – Nonfarm Payrolls Growth in the Month That the Fed Starts Easing Policy The recent rise in payroll numbers is surprising given the Fed’s easing of interest rates. Usually, strong job growth coincides with tighter monetary policy, but the current situation reveals a notable divergence. Image: Deutsche Bank
U.S. Labor Market – Unemployment Rate and Consumer Confidence Survey: Jobs “Plentiful” Minus Jobs “Hard to Get” Shifts in consumer perceptions regarding job availability suggest notable changes that could potentially lead to a rise in the U.S. unemployment rate. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management