Recovery of the U.S. Economy – Republicans vs. Democrats

Recovery of the U.S. Economy – Republicans vs. Democrats Republicans and Democrats have different views on the recovery of the U.S. economy. Republicans are eager to reopen economy, while Democrats are more cautious. Image: Financial Times

ISABELNET Cartoon of the Day

ISABELNET Cartoon of the Day With Republicans achieving a trifecta by winning the House, Senate, and presidency, Democrats will find it difficult to advance their policy agenda. Historically, markets have performed best under a divided Congress. Have a Great Day, Everyone! 😎

U.S. Election Scenario Probability

U.S. Election Scenario Probability As Republicans gain momentum heading into the U.S. elections, the prospect of their sweeping victory raises both hopes for short-term economic gains and fears of larger deficits and sustained inflationary pressures. Image: Deutsche Bank

Unemployment and U.S. Presidential Elections

Unemployment and U.S. Presidential Elections Americans tend to elect Democrats when unemployment is high, and Republicans when unemployment is low. Image: Ken Fisher