Investment Grade (IG) Spread
Investment Grade (IG) Spread According to Goldman Sachs, Investment Grade (IG) spreads are expected to remain virtually unchanged over the next 12 months. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Investment Grade (IG) Spread According to Goldman Sachs, Investment Grade (IG) spreads are expected to remain virtually unchanged over the next 12 months. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
U.S. High Yield vs. Investment Grade Returns and Conference Board U.S. Leading Index Historically, the outperformance of high yield bonds relative to investment grade bonds has followed the Conference Board U.S. Leading Index. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
S&P 500 and Investment Grade Bonds The divergence between investment grade bonds and the S&P 500 tends to be a bearish signal for the S&P 500. Image: BofA Global Research
S&P 500 vs. Investment Grade Spread Will the gap close between the S&P 500 and the IG spread? Image: Credit Suisse
Investment Grade Bond Maturity Wall Should investors be concerned about the IG bond maturity wall? Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Duration in Investment Grade and High Yield Corporate Bond Indices While yields on junk bonds are at record lows, average durations have been shortening for HY bonds and increasing for IG bonds since the 2000’s. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research
Liquidity Premium: Investment Grade vs. High Yield Bonds The chart shows that the premium provided by illiquid IG and HY bonds has been drifting wider. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
S&P 500 and Investment-Grade Spreads The S&P 500 tends to move together with investment-grade spreads. Image: Credit Suisse Research
U.S. High-Yield vs. Investment-Grade and MSCI ACWI ex-US (Leading Indicator) This chart suggests that the ratio of high-yield to investment-grade bond performance is a leading indicator for stocks. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
U.S. Share of Global Investment-Grade Fixed-Income Yield With negative yields in Europe and Japan, the U.S. now accounts for 95% of the positive investment-grade yield. Image: Legg Mason
Earnings Sentiment (Analyst Upgrades Minus Downgrades Across Markets) Despite optimism in certain sectors, earnings sentiment in the S&P 500 is on a downward trajectory. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research