Market Reaction to Fed Insurance Cuts vs. Fed Recession Cuts

Market Reaction to Fed Insurance Cuts vs. Fed Recession Cuts This chart shows the S&P 500 and 10-year Treasury Note response to Fed insurance cuts vs. Fed recession cuts. There is a big difference for equities, but not too much for bonds. Image: Pictet Wealth Management

Fed Rate Cuts Priced In and Recession

Fed Rate Cuts Priced In and Recession Insurance cuts or recessionary cuts? It usually doesn’t end well, when the bond market begins to price in more than three rate cuts over the next 6 months. Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research

S&P 500 and Past Easing Cycles

S&P 500 and Past Easing Cycles The S&P 500 did rather well after easing cycles began, especially during Fed insurance cuts. You may also like “Market Reaction to Fed Insurance Cuts vs. Fed Recession Cuts.” Image: Fidelity Investments