Household Debt-to-Income Ratios

Household Debt-to-Income Ratios U.S. households have improved their balance sheets in the past decade. Image: Deutsche Bank

U.S. Household Debt as % of GDP

U.S. Household Debt as % of GDP The COVID-19 pandemic led to a spike in U.S. household debt as a % of GDP. Image: BofA Global Research

U.S. Household Debt and Credit

U.S. Household Debt and Credit Aggregate household debt balances declined by $34bn and stand at $14.27tn. This is the first decline since 2014. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

U.S. Household Debt

U.S. Household Debt American debt hits a record high of $13.95 trillion and represents about 73% of GDP vs. about 83% a decade ago. Image: Reuters

Consumption Growth and Household Debt

Consumption Growth and Household Debt This chart shows the effects of household debt and suggests that high household debt limits consumer spending. Image: Oxford Economics