U.S. Bear Markets Rallies

U.S. Bear Markets Rallies Bear markets rallies tend to be sharp and short-lived. Image: MarketDesk Research

Bear Market Rallies

Bear Market Rallies Goldman Sachs is still cautious about the idea that stocks have bottomed, as bear market rallies are typical before index troughs. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Bear Market “Head Fake” Rallies

Bear Market “Head Fake” Rallies Since 1937, eleven bear markets experienced a “head fake” rally, when the real economic pain began in the United States. Image: CNBC

MSCI ACWI Total Return Index – Rallies and Corrections

MSCI ACWI Total Return Index – Rallies and Corrections Interesting chart showing the deviation of the MSCI AC World Total Return Index against its trend line, like the swing of a pendulum. Image: Fidelity Investments