IG Bond Flows

IG Bond Flows Investment-grade corporate bond funds have maintained their appeal to investors, leading to the 38th uninterrupted week of inflows. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Rolling 24 Month Correlation Between U.S. Bonds and Equities

Rolling 24 Month Correlation Between U.S. Treasury Bonds and Equities Amid high inflation, UST bonds become less effective as a hedge against U.S. stocks, as rising prices erode bond payouts and interest rate hikes lead to a drop in bond prices. Image: BofA Research Investment Committee

Weekly Bond Fund Flows

Weekly Bond Fund Flows Bond funds saw the largest inflow since February 2021, reflecting investors’ desire to lock in high yields amid expectations of future interest rate cuts. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

ISM Manufacturing PMI and Global Stocks vs. Government Bonds

ISM Manufacturing PMI and Global Stocks vs. Government Bonds In a potential shift from a “no” to a “hard” landing scenario, government bonds may outperform due to increased risk aversion, interest rate cuts, lower inflation expectations, and their historical performance during economic downturns. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

CTAs Exposure to Bonds

CTAs Exposure to Bonds CTAs’ overall allocation to bonds in the 8th percentile indicates a relatively low exposure to fixed income securities. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Bond Volatility – MOVE Index

Bond Volatility – MOVE Index The decrease in UST bond market volatility is viewed positively as it signals a more stable and predictable investment environment, benefiting both individual investors and the broader economy. Image: The Daily Shot

U.S. 30-Year Government Bond Returns

U.S. 30-Year Government Bond Returns The 30-year U.S. Treasury bond is currently experiencing a challenging period in terms of its annual return, as it is on track for the 3rd worst annual return since 1919. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Investement Grade Corporate Bond Spreads

U.S. Investement Grade Corporate Bond Spreads Will U.S. Investment Grade corporate bond spreads remain unchanged for an extended period? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Coporate vs. Government Bond Returns

U.S. Coporate vs. Government Bond Returns Since March 2020, U.S. corporate bonds have significantly outperformed government bonds. Will this trend continue in the coming months? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy