VIX vs. S&P 500

VIX vs. S&P 500 The lack of a significant increase in the VIX during the market decline may indicate that widespread panic selling is absent. Image: Real Investment Advice

VIX Seasonality

VIX Seasonality Historically, the VIX has tended to rise in the months preceding U.S. presidential elections, likely due to heightened uncertainty. Will this seasonal pattern repeat this year? Image: Topdown Charts

U.S. High Yield Credit Spreads vs. VIX

U.S. High Yield Credit Spreads vs. VIX Low high-yield credit spreads and a low VIX may suggest market positivity, but the lack of fear or volatility can paradoxically create a sense of complacency among investors, causing them to overlook potential risks. Image: Topdown Charts

Sentiment/VIX Composite vs. S&P 500

Sentiment/VIX Composite vs. S&P 500 Current levels of the Sentiment/VIX Composite Index are more indicative of near-term market peaks than the beginning of a bullish trend. Image: Real Investment Advice

Volatility – VIX Level

Volatilty – VIX Level The VIX tends to rise approximately one month before election day as investors seek safety amidst the uncertainty surrounding the election, reflecting their growing concerns about market volatility and potential political outcomes. Image: J.P. Morgan

Fed Funds vs. VIX

Fed Funds vs. VIX Given the lag effect of Fed rate hikes on the U.S. economy, should investors expect a near-future rise in the VIX, or is this time different? Image: Deutsche Bank

Volatility Divergence – VIX vs. MOVE

Volatility Divergence – VIX vs. MOVE The divergence between VIX and MOVE presents unique challenges and opportunities for market participants, reflecting different expectations and perceptions of risk in the equity and bond markets. Image: BofA Global Research

VIX – Volatility Index

VIX – Volatility Index While a low VIX may signal a relatively stable market environment, it can also indicate complacency or a lack of concern among market participants regarding potential risks. Image: BofA Global Research

Sentiment/VIX Composite vs. Fed Funds

Sentiment/VIX Composite vs. Fed Funds During a rate hiking campaign, bullish sentiment tends to increase initially, but ultimately ends badly. Image: Real Investment Advice