Emerging Markets Credit Growth

Emerging Markets Credit Growth Chart showing that credit growth in most emerging markets is still growing at a sustained pace. Image: Oxford Economics

Chinese Credit Growth and OECD Leading Indicator for China

Chinese Credit Growth and OECD Leading Indicator for China Chinese Credit growth rebounded in September and suggests stronger activity on the horizon. The OECD leading indicator for China picked up further at the highest level since 2017. Image: Danske Bank Research

China Property Sales and Total Credit Growth

China Property Sales and Total Credit Growth According to Gavekal, Chinese monetary policy is still in a moderate “selective easing” mode. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

Survey – Credit Investors: What Are Your Biggest Concerns?

Survey – Credit Investors: What Are Your Biggest Concerns? The 2024 U.S. election outcome could significantly impact fiscal policy, debt, interest rates, inflation, and economic growth, which are key concerns for U.S. credit investors. Image: BofA Credit Investor Survey

U.S. Consumer Credit

U.S. Consumer Credit The current downtrend in US consumer credit impulse could suggest a scenario of slowing growth this year. Image: Macrobond Financial

Buyback Contribution to EPS Growth

Buyback Contribution to EPS Growth Buybacks constitute a very important part of the earnings payout. Without them, there is no EPS growth. Image: Credit Suisse Research

Top 5 vs. S&P 500 ex-Top 5 – YoY Contribution of EPS and P/E to Returns

Top 5 vs. S&P 500 ex-Top 5 – YoY Contribution of EPS and P/E to Returns The performance gap could widen further, as the top 5 largest stocks in the S&P 500 are superior on almost every financial metric (revenue, profit growth, margin structure, volatility and corporate leverage). Image: Credit Suisse Research