Oil Price vs. Global Trade Price Index
Oil Price vs. Global Trade Price Index Oil prices tend to drive prices for all traded goods. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Oil Price vs. Global Trade Price Index Oil prices tend to drive prices for all traded goods. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Global Trade Volume Growth in global trade volume is deteriorating at a rapid rate. Image: Financial Times
DHL Global Trade Barometer The DHL Global Trade Barometer is a leading indicator for the future development of global trade, suggesting a protracted but mild decline of world trade. You may also like “Recession Indicators.” Image: Deutsche Post DHL Group
Global Trade Volume Chart showing weaker global trade volumes amid trade tensions. Image: Financial Times
Semiconductor Sales vs. Global Trade (volume) Interesting chart showing the correlation of 0.78 between semiconductor sales and global trade (volume). Image: Paolo Cardena
BlackRock Geopolitical Risk Indicator for Global Trade Tensions The recent decline of the indicator suggests that investors may be more complacent about the risk and impact of trade conflicts. Source: BlackRock Investment Institute – Global Investment Outlook Q2 2019
U.S. Trade-Weighted Dollar vs. Global Stocks Ex-U.S./U.S. A weak U.S. dollar is generally seen as a tailwind for non-U.S. equities. Image: BCA Research
Global Basic Food Trade Dependence by Region Africa is highly dependent on imports of basic food. Image: BofA Global Research
Trade-Weighted U.S. Dollar Index vs. Global Manufacturing PMI A stronger global growth could lead to a weaker U.S. dollar. Image: Morgan Stanley Research
Trade Globalization Will the coronavirus pandemic add momentum to the deglobalization trend? Image: BCA Research
Global GDP Growth Outlook – Trade Tensions vs. Policy Easing The escalation of trade tensions is a risk to the global economy outlook. Image: Morgan Stanley Research