Rolling 24 Month Correlation Between U.S. Bonds and Equities

Rolling 24 Month Correlation Between U.S. Treasury Bonds and Equities Amid high inflation, UST bonds become less effective as a hedge against U.S. stocks, as rising prices erode bond payouts and interest rate hikes lead to a drop in bond prices. Image: BofA Research Investment Committee

Seasonality Trends in MSCI AC World Index (Global Equities)

Seasonality Trends in MSCI AC World Index (Global Equities) July has historically been a strong month for global equities, offering opportunities for investors to capture potential gains. Image: BofA Global Quantitative Strategy

U.S. Equities – S&P 500 Equal Weight vs. S&P 500

U.S. Equities – S&P 500 Equal Weight vs. S&P 500 Performance differences between indexes present opportunities. Could the S&P 500 equal-weighted index outperform the cap-weighted index going forward? Image: Morgan Stanley Research

CTAs Exposure to Equities

CTAs Exposure to Equities With a 92nd percentile allocation to equities, Commodity Trading Advisors demonstrate their confidence in the potential for strong returns. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Flows to Japan Equities

Flows to Japan Equities The record outflow from Japan equity funds reflects a shift in investor sentiment. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Equities Adjusted for Inflation

U.S. Equities Adjusted for Inflation When considering U.S. equity returns adjusted for inflation, currently none of the major indices have surpassed their 2021 highs. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

Annual Equities Fund Flows

Annual Equities Fund Flows Investor appetite for equity funds remains strong, driven by optimism about potential returns and long-term growth prospects. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

FMS Investors – Net % Overweight Equities – Net % Overweight Cash

FMS Investors – Net % Overweight Equities – Net % Overweight Cash FMS investors still show a greater inclination to invest in the stock market and less interest in holding cash, indicating their ongoing preference for higher-risk assets over cash reserves. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey