Cumulative Global Equity Fund Flows Across Regions

Cumulative Global Equity Fund Flows Across Regions In 2024, U.S. equities have seen notable inflows, indicating a resurgence of investor confidence despite ongoing concerns about valuations. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Performance – Regional Banks vs. Large Banks

Performance – Regional Banks vs. Large Banks Would investors be better served by focusing on quality large bank names rather than trying to find value in the regional banking sector at this time? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Valuation – 12-Month Forward P/E Ranges (MSCI Regions)

Valuation – 12-Month Forward P/E Ranges (MSCI Regions) Concerns about long-term sustainability and future market corrections have arisen among market participants due to the divergence between current U.S. stock market valuations and historical averages. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Performance – S&P 500 vs. S&P Regional Banks Index

Performance – S&P Regional Banks Index vs. S&P 500 Regional banks and the equal-weighted S&P 500 have recently reached new relative lows, a concerning trend in the financial market. This trend is noteworthy given the recent S&P 500 performance. Image: Morgan Stanley Research