Imports of Saudi Arabian Crude Oil

Imports of Saudi Arabian Crude Oil In 2018, the U.S. imported $21.9 billion of crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Image: The Washington Post

Brent 5-Year Futures Price

Brent 5-Year Futures Price This chart shows that long-dated oil prices stayed relatively flat after attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

The World’s Biggest Oil Producers

The World’s Biggest Oil Producers The U.S. is the first-largest producer of oil in the world, accounting for 16.2% of all production in 2018, and has surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia. Image: Statista

War Scenario for the Oil Price

War Scenario for the Oil Price A war between U.S./Saudi Arabia and Iran could lead to soaring oil prices and a global recession. Image: Danske Bank Research

Top Three Crude Oil Producers

Top Three Crude Oil Producers Chart showing that the U.S. is the world’s biggest oil producer and has surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research