U.S. Productivity Growth and Hourly Compensation

U.S. Productivity Growth and Hourly Compensation When wages lag behind productivity growth, workers do not receive their fair share of the wealth created. Image: Economic Policy Institute

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Term Premium

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Term Premium The increasing term premium suggests investors require greater compensation for longer-term bonds, reflecting heightened interest rate and inflation risks associated with extended durations. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Equity Risk Premium

Equity Risk Premium The equity risk premium, at the 94th percentile from 2010 and at the 67th percentile from 2000, suggests that investors may not be receiving adequate compensation for the risks associated with investing in U.S. stocks. Image: J.P. Morgan Equity Macro Research

S&P 500 Valuations – Combined P/E Ratio and Equity Risk Premium

S&P 500 Valuations – Combined P/E Ratio and Equity Risk Premium Given the S&P 500’s high P/E ratio, should investors be cautious about U.S. equities? And do they receive adequate compensation for the risk associated with owning U.S. equities rather than bonds? Image: Topdown Charts

National Income vs. GDP and U.S. Recessions

National Income vs. GDP and U.S. Recessions Fast rising compensation of employees tends to precede economic slowdowns in the United States. The U.S. economic recovery is expected to slow down in 2022. Image: Real Investment Advice