Global Market Capitalization of All Equities

Global Market Capitalization of All Equities With the United States holding 67% of the global equity market, a new record, it seems like the rest of the world is just here to watch the fireworks! Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Global Market Implied Equity Risk Premiums

Global Market Implied Equity Risk Premiums The current low equity risk premium in the U.S. suggests a challenging investment landscape, indicating that investors may not receive adequate compensation for the risks inherent in equity investments. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Global Markets – MSCI All-World Index

Global Markets – MSCI All-World Index Global markets hit all-time high, as coronavirus vaccine test results bring great news. Image: Financial Times

The SARS Analog – Virus Outbreaks and Global Markets

The SARS Analog – Virus Outbreaks and Global Markets The chart shows the SARS analog (2002 vs. 2020), highlighting the S&P 500 Index, the MSCI China Index, emerging markets vs. U.S. EPS and the CRB Raw Industrials Index. Image: Fidelity Investments

Global Stock Market Capitalization

Global Stock Market Capitalization The return to October 2021 highs signifies a robust recovery phase for global equities, driven by positive market dynamics and economic conditions. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Global Money Market Fund Assets

Global Money Market Fund Assets Global money market fund assets hit a new all-time high of $8.3 trillion, highlighting the perceived security and attractiveness of these funds as a viable approach for temporarily storing and increasing capital. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Flows into Global Money Market Funds

Flows into Global Money Market Funds There were significant flows into global money market funds in the first 9 weeks, as rate rises. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research