Global Market Implied Equity Risk Premiums

Global Market Implied Equity Risk Premiums Equity risk premiums are currently low, particularly in the United States, indicating a less attractive market environment where investors may not be adequately compensated for the risks associated with equity investments. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

World Technology Earnings vs. Global Market

World Technology Earnings vs. Global Market World technology earnings have surpassed those of the global market, with the tech sector’s significant growth and innovation driving this trend. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Global Market Capitalization of All Equities

Global Market Capitalization of All Equities The total global market capitalization of all public equities is at an all-time high of $113 Trillion. But is the world better off economically than pre-pandemic? Image: Richardson Wealth

Global Markets – MSCI All-World Index

Global Markets – MSCI All-World Index Global markets hit all-time high, as coronavirus vaccine test results bring great news. Image: Financial Times

The SARS Analog – Virus Outbreaks and Global Markets

The SARS Analog – Virus Outbreaks and Global Markets The chart shows the SARS analog (2002 vs. 2020), highlighting the S&P 500 Index, the MSCI China Index, emerging markets vs. U.S. EPS and the CRB Raw Industrials Index. Image: Fidelity Investments

Global Stock Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization History has shown that betting against America has never been a wise choice. Should investors anticipate the U.S. equity market to persist in outperforming the European and Asian equity markets? Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Global Money Market Fund Assets

Global Money Market Fund Assets Global money market fund assets hit a new all-time high of $8.3 trillion, highlighting the perceived security and attractiveness of these funds as a viable approach for temporarily storing and increasing capital. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research