U.S. Dollar to Japanese Yen (USD/JPY)

U.S. Dollar to Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) Goldman Sachs has updated its projections for the USD/JPY exchange rate, anticipating the US dollar to reach 155 yen in three months, 155 yen in six months, and 150 yen in 12 months. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Euro to U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD)

Euro to U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD) Goldman Sachs holds a pessimistic view on the EUR/USD currency pair, indicating that the euro is expected to depreciate against the US dollar over the next 3 to 6 months. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

The U.S. Dollar As A Reserve Currency

The U.S. Dollar As A Reserve Currency While the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency may evolve and share influence with other currencies, it is expected to remain a dominant currency for the foreseeable future. Image: BofA Global Research

U.S. Dollar vs. Japanese Yen (USD/JPY)

U.S. Dollar vs. Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) When yields on U.S. Treasury bonds are higher than those on Japanese government bonds, it can lead to a weakening of the Japanese yen relative to the U.S. dollar. Image: BCA Research

U.S. Dollar vs. S&P 500

U.S. Dollar vs. S&P 500 The market is responding positively to good news, as indicated by the recent divergence between the S&P 500 and the U.S. dollar (inverted). This suggests a renewed sense of optimism in the market. Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy

U.S. Dollar vs. S&P 500 Index Forward Price/Earnings

U.S. Dollar vs. S&P 500 Index Forward Price/Earnings Keeping a close eye on the correlation between the U.S. dollar and S&P 500 valuation multiples is essential, especially considering the potential end of the greenback’s bull market cycle. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Euro to U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD)

Euro to U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD) The euro’s decrease in value relative to the U.S. dollar seems to be a result of underlying structural factors. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

U.S. Dollar Index (DXY)

U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) BofA predicts that the U.S. dollar has the potential to rally to $105.50/$106 in Q1 2024. A stronger U.S. dollar often poses challenges for U.S. stocks. Image: BofA Global Research

U.S. Dollar Strength vs. Frequency of Reported Revenue Beats

U.S. Dollar Strength vs. Frequency of Reported Revenue Beats A weaker U.S. dollar is correlated with more revenue beats, reflecting the potential benefits of currency depreciation on corporate financial outcomes. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

EM/DM Relative Performance vs. U.S. Dollar

EM/DM Relative Performance vs. U.S. Dollar The strength of the U.S. dollar can affect the relative performance of EM/DM equities. A weak U.S. dollar has historically led to outperformance of emerging market equities. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy