U.S. Debt to GDP Ratio

U.S. Debt to GDP Ratio The projected surge in U.S. federal debt over the next three decades may adversely impact the economy, resulting in elevated interest payments, strained resources, and possible constraints on economic growth and government flexibility. Image: Deutsche Bank

U.S. Debt to GDP Ratios

U.S. Debt to GDP Ratios U.S. government debt to infinity and beyond? Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Ratio of General Government Gross Debt to GDP

Ratio of General Government Gross Debt to GDP At the global level, the measures taken by governments to respond to the impact of the coronavirus crisis amounted to $12 trillion. Image: CNBC

Global Debt to GDP

Global Debt to GDP Global debt to GDP is expected to reach a new high of 249% of GDP this year, and 246% in 2021. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

U.S. Gross Government Debt to GDP

U.S. Gross Government Debt to GDP U.S. government debt is expected to grow and could increase the likelihood of a fiscal crisis in the future. Image: Reuters

China Debt to GDP

China Debt to GDP China’s increase in debt is massive and now exceeds 300% of GDP. Image: Institute of International Finance

Household Debt to GDP by Country

Household Debt to GDP by Country This chart shows a global view of household debt as a percent of GDP. Households of Australia, Netherlands and Canada are the most indebted in the world. Image: Oxford Economics

Total Global Debt to GDP

Total Global Debt to GDP The global debt-to-GDP ratio is hovering near a record at $244 trillion. That’s now more than three times the size of the world economy. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research