Implied Equity Allocation by U.S. Households

Implied Equity Allocation by U.S. Households Periods of high household equity allocation have historically been followed by lower market returns, implying that current trends might indicate potential risks for future investors. Image: J.P. Morgan

U.S. Households Aggregate Financial Asset Allocation

U.S. Households Aggregate Financial Asset Allocation Current high levels of U.S. household equity allocation suggest potential risks for future investors, as historical trends indicate this often precedes lower market returns. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Equities – FMS Global Equity Allocation

Equities – FMS Global Equity Allocation FMS investors significantly increased their equity allocation in October, the largest rise since June 2020. This shift is primarily due to a favorable economic climate resulting from the easing of monetary policies by major central banks. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey

Cash Allocation by Non-Bank Investors Globally

Cash Allocation by Non-Bank Investors Globally Investors globally have significantly reduced their cash allocations, reaching the lowest levels observed since at least 1999. Image: J.P. Morgan

GWIM Cash Allocation as % Asset Under Management

GWIM Cash Allocation as % Asset Under Management BofA’s private clients have reduced their cash allocation, remaining below the long-term average, while increasing their equity exposure. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

GWIM Equity Allocation as % Assets Under Management

GWIM Equity Allocation as % Assets Under Management BofA’s private clients show optimism about equity market growth and potential returns, as evidenced by their 63% portfolio allocation to equities. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Implied Equity Allocation by Non-Bank Investors Globally

Implied Equity Allocation by Non-Bank Investors Globally Despite concerns about potential economic slowdowns, investors are currently maintaining an overweight position in global equities, suggesting a positive outlook for stock markets. Image: J.P. Morgan

U.S. Household Equity Allocation

U.S. Household Equity Allocation Despite the overall strength of the U.S. economy and markets, historical trends suggest that elevated U.S. household equity exposure tends to precede lower future equity returns. Image: BofA Research Investment Committee