GWIM Equity Allocation as % Assets Under Management

GWIM Equity Allocation as % Assets Under Management BofA’s private clients have expressed optimism about equity market growth and potential returns, which is reflected in their decision to allocate 62% of their portfolios to equities. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

CTAs Allocation in Oil

CTAs Allocation in Oil Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) maintain a neutral stance on oil at the moment. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Equity – U.S. Households Aggregate Financial Asset Allocation

Equity – U.S. Households Aggregate Financial Asset Allocation Currently, U.S. households allocate 48% of their total financial assets to equities. This allocation reflects a high level of risk exposure, as equities are known for their volatility and potential for capital loss. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Stocks vs. Bonds – Relative Allocations

Stocks vs. Bonds – Relative Allocations U.S. stocks are relatively expensive compared to bonds. Are investors too aggressively positioned in U.S. stocks relative to bonds? Image: Topdown Charts

AAII Cash Allocations

AAII Cash Allocations High levels of cash allocations by AAII members can be a good contrarian indicator. Image: Topdown Charts