Mega-Cap Growth Stocks vs. S&P 500
Mega-Cap Growth Stocks vs. S&P 500 Will artificial intelligence propel mega-cap growth stocks to all-time highs? Image: Deutsche Bank
Mega-Cap Growth Stocks vs. S&P 500 Will artificial intelligence propel mega-cap growth stocks to all-time highs? Image: Deutsche Bank
Growth Stocks vs. S&P 500 and Fed Funds Target Rate Will growth stocks underperform the S&P 500 in 2023? Image: Alpine Macro
CRB Raw Industrials (Commodities) and Russell 2000 : Value vs. Growth Stocks Should investors expect value stocks to outperform growth stocks in a context of rising commodity prices? Image: Alpine Macro
Valuation – Chinese Growth Stocks Chinese growth stocks are not a bargain yet. Image: BCA Research
Growth Stocks – One-Year Correlation: 10-Year US Treasury Yield/MSCI Value Index vs. 10-Year US Treasury Yield/MSCI Growth Index U.S growth stocks are currently highly correlated with U.S. bond yields, as they were during the dotcom bubble. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Valuation – U.S. Growth Stocks, 12-Month Forward P/E Valuations for U.S. growth stocks remain high. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
U.S. Value vs. Growth Stocks – 10-Year Annualized Returns The 10-year annualized return for value vs. growth stocks remains deeply negative, despite the recent strength in value stocks. Image: BofA Global Research
Growth Stocks – FAANG and S&P 500 Ex-FAANG Price-to-Sales In general, higher rates mean headwind for growth stocks. Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy
Global Value Stocks Relative to Growth Stocks Is it time for investors to favor value stocks vs. growth stocks? Image: Financial Times
Performance of S&P 500 Megacap Growth Stocks vs. Rest of S&P 500 The relative performance of S&P 500 megacap growth stocks remains within its year-to-date trend channel, despite the recent selloff. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation
Value vs. Growth Stocks and U.S. 5-Year Inflation Breakeven Rate According to BofA, value stocks are broken after the worst performance relative to growth over a 10-year period. Image: BofA Research Investment Committee