China Debt to GDP

China Debt to GDP China’s increase in debt is massive and now exceeds 300% of GDP. Image: Institute of International Finance

China: Chinese Debt-to-GDP Ratios by Sector

China: Chinese Debt-to-GDP Ratios by Sector The debt-to-GDP ratio of the non-financial corporate sector accounts for the largest share of China’s debt and declined to 143% of GDP. Image: Pictet Wealth Management

China: Chinese Firms Reliance on USD-denominated Debt

China: Chinese Firms Reliance on USD-denominated Debt Chinese firms reliance on USD-denominated debt is lower than other emerging markets. But a weakened yuan would hurt Chinese firms. Image: Institute of International Finance

Why We Should Not Be Afraid By China’s Debt?

Why We Should Not Be Afraid By China’s Debt? In China, there is a high level of savings and controls on capital outflows. Currently, most of the Chinese savings are lent or invested in China. So, China’s debt reflects the Chinese savings rate. It would be much more worrying if China’s debt led to external debt,…

Debt, Demographics and Labor Force Growth

Debt, Demographics and Labor Force Growth The slowdown in the labor force in the U.S., China, Europe and Japan, represents 62% of the world’s GDP and 69% of the equity market capitalization. The labor force growth is expected to be -1% by 2055. Image: Fidelity Investments

Global Debt

Global Debt IIF expects the global debt load to exceed $255 trillion in 2019, largely driven by the United States and China. Image: Institute of International Finance

Private Sector Debt

Private Sector Debt Private sector debt is high in China, extremely high in Sweden, and continues to rise. Source: Gavekal

Household Debt as a Proportion of GDP

Household Debt as a Proportion of GDP Household debt levels in China are equivalent to those in advanced economies. Image: The Wall Street Journal