Growth vs. Value Rotation

Growth vs. Value Rotation The latest rotation has been the most significant since 2010. But will Value still falter in the long run? Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Bond Yields and Rotation Trade

Bond Yields and Rotation Trade Higher yields are good news for investors. According to BofA, the bull story next year is a reopening rotation story. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Rotation vs. U.S. GDP Growth Forecasts

Rotation vs. U.S. GDP Growth Forecasts Chart suggesting that the rotation out of bonds into equities, out of growth into cyclicals, out of large caps into small caps, and out of gold into copper, is expected to continue in 2020. Image: Fidelity Investments

Momentum to Value Rotation

Momentum to Value Rotation The rotation into value suggests a rebound in global economic growth, not a recession. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch US Equity & US Quant Strategy

Rotation from U.S. Stocks to Rest-of-World

Rotation from U.S. Stocks to Rest-of-World The rotation from U.S. stocks to cheaper global stocks continues, reaching $123 billion recently. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Investment Strategy

Rotation from Safe to Risky Assets

Rotation from Safe to Risky Assets The market is rotating. The chart clearly shows the big rotation taking place from “safe” to “risky” assets since mid-August 2019. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research