Performance – MSCI China vs. MSCI EM

Performance – MSCI China vs. MSCI EM China’s performance relative to emerging markets has closely correlated with Trump’s implied winning probability in the prediction market. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Japan Stocks vs. China Stocks

Japan Stocks vs. China Stocks Despite economic challenges and geopolitical risks, Chinese equities have rallied over the past 3 months. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Weekly China Flows

China Equity Flows China equity funds saw their largest inflow in 8 weeks, indicating a prevailing sense of optimism among investors regarding Chinese equities. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

China GDP Growth

China GDP Growth Excluding the exceptional year of 2020 due to the impact of the Covid pandemic, China’s nominal GDP growth has reached its lowest point since 1976, signaling a shift in China’s economic landscape. Image: Deutsche Bank Research

China Property Stocks

China Property Stocks The sharp decline in Chinese property stocks, reaching levels unseen since the Global Financial Crisis, is worrisome considering the crucial role of the real estate sector in China’s economy. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

China Real GDP Growth Forecast

China Real GDP Growth Forecast The downturn in growth in China may be stabilizing. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

China and Mexico as % of U.S. Imports

China and Mexico as % of U.S. Imports For the first time since 2003, the United States currently imports more goods from Mexico than from China. Will this trend continue? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy