U.S. Economic Policy Uncertainty Index

U.S. Economic Policy Uncertainty Index High policy uncertainty can lead to recessions. Currently, U.S. economic policy uncertainty is higher than during the financial crisis. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Global Political Uncertainty Index vs. VIX

Global Political Uncertainty Index vs. VIX This chart shows the wide divergence between the Global Political Uncertainty Index and VIX since 2015. More volatility ahead? Image: Legg Mason

U.S. Equity Volatility and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty

U.S. Equity Volatility and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty The chart shows that U.S. equity volatility does not mirror global economic policy uncertainty since 2009, perhaps due to strong central bank support. Image: Pictet Wealth Management

VIX Seasonality

VIX Seasonality Historically, the VIX has tended to rise in the months preceding U.S. presidential elections, likely due to heightened uncertainty. Will this seasonal pattern repeat this year? Image: Topdown Charts