U.S. Initial Unemployment Claims After Yield Curve Inversion

U.S. Initial Unemployment Claims After Yield Curve Inversion Is there a difference this time in the association between an inverted yield curve, usually indicating economic decline, and the potential for job losses? Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

S&P 500 Following Yield Curve Inversions

S&P 500 Following Yield Curve Inversions Historically, the inversion of the 10Y-3M yield curve is not an immediate sell signal for U.S. stocks. Image: MarketDesk Research

Yield Curve Inversions and U.S. Recessions

Yield Curve Inversions and U.S. Recessions The table shows the significant lag between the first inversion date and the onset of the recession in the United States. Image: Jeroen Blokland

10Y-2Y Yield Curve Inversion Until U.S. Recession Starts

10Y-2Y Yield Curve Inversion Until U.S. Recession Starts An inverted yield curve doesn’t always mean that a recession is imminent. But historically, a sustained yield curve inversion has been a good indicator of recession. Image: Legg Mason