Global Negative Yielding Debt

Global Negative Yielding Debt The transition from $18 trillion to zero in negative-yielding debt over the past few years reflects a broader shift away from the era of ultra-low interest rates and easy monetary policy. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Global Aggregate Negative Yielding Debt

Global Aggregate Negative Yielding Debt The amount of global debt with negative yields jumps to $17.05 trillion, an all-time high, as investors rush to safety in government bonds. Image: Bloomberg

Gold, Bitcoin and Negative Yielding Debt

Gold, Bitcoin and Negative Yielding Debt Chart suggesting that gold price and bitcoin have been boosted by rising negative-yielding debt. Image: Fidelity Investments

Negative Yielding Debt in the Bloomberg/Barclays Aggregate Index

Negative Yielding Debt in the Bloomberg/Barclays Aggregate Index This chart puts negative yielding debt into perspective. Bondholders will get back less than what they paid if they hold bonds to maturity. Image: Bianco Research Click the Image to Enlarge

Gold and Negative Yielding Debt

Gold and Negative Yielding Debt This chart shows the strong correlation between gold and market capitalization of global negative yielding debt. Negative global yields are a support for gold.