M2 Money Supply

M2 Money Supply The recent rise in the M2 money supply in the United States is considered a favorable development for equity markets, enhancing liquidity and potentially driving additional investment in stocks. Image: Deutsche Bank

M2 Money Supply and CPI Inflation

M2 Money Supply and CPI Inflation The significant decline in money supply growth is one of the factors contributing to the contraction of inflation in the United States. Image: Real Investment Advice

Blended Money Supply

Blended Money Supply U.S. money supply is shrinking rapidly. Historically, U.S. nominal GDP growth has closely tracked money supply growth. Image: Deutsche Bank

S&P 500 Index vs. M2 Money Supply

S&P 500 Index vs. M2 Money Supply Global M2 money supply growth has a significant impact on U.S. stocks. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

M2 – Money Supply vs. Monetary Velocity

M2 – Money Supply vs. Monetary Velocity Is printing more money good for the U.S. economy? Despite strong M2 growth, money velocity has declined. Image: Real Investment Advice

M1 Money Supply Growth YoY

M1 Money Supply Growth YoY The M1 money supply in the United States has grown faster than any time in history. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond