Number of 2% Drops per Year for the S&P 500 Index

Number of 2% Drops per Year for the S&P 500 Index Though they can be uncomfortable, big drops in the U.S. stock market are relatively common, even in the best years. On average, the S&P 500 sees more than five drops of 2% or more each year. Image: Carson Investment Research

S&P 500 Adds and Drops

S&P 500 Adds and Drops The turnover in the S&P 500 is relatively high, with an average rate of about 4% per year. Image: S&P Dow Jones Indices

Largest VIX 4-Day Drops Ever

Largest VIX 4-Day Drops Ever Large drops in the VIX tend to push the S&P 500 higher. Image: LPL Research

15 Largest Dow Jones Point Drops

15 Largest Dow Jones Point Drops Going back to 1896, yesterday was the 380th largest percentage drop ever for the Dow Jones. Image: LPL Research

Largest 1-Day Drops for the S&P 500 per Year

Largest 1-Day Drops for the S&P 500 per Year Yesterday, the S&P 500 fell by almost 3%. The average largest 1-day drop per year is -4.04% since 1928. Image: LPL Research

U.S. Equity Index P/E Valuations vs. History

U.S. Equity Index P/E Valuations vs. History Current valuations for tech and S&P 500 indexes exceed historical averages. This doesn’t guarantee immediate drops but implies possibly reduced future gains and increased vulnerability to market downturns. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research