U.S. Treasury Bill Yield by Maturity

U.S. Treasury Bill Yield by Maturity A default by the U.S. government could have significant negative effects on the economy, including financial market disruptions and a loss of faith in the United States by international investors. Image: BofA Global Research

Earnings Price Yield for S&P 500 Minus Maturity of 10-Year Treasuries

Earnings Price Yield for S&P 500 Minus Maturity of 10-Year Treasuries This chart suggests that equities are more attractive relative to fixed income. But the equity risk does not disappear because the spread (earnings yield minus Treasury yield) is positive. Image: Bhirud Associates

Investment Grade Bond Maturity Wall

Investment Grade Bond Maturity Wall Should investors be concerned about the IG bond maturity wall? Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Treasury Debt Average Maturity

U.S. Treasury Debt Average Maturity The U.S. Treasury debt average maturity has risen since the Great Recession. Image: Bianco Research

U.S. Corporate Debt Maturity Wall

U.S. Corporate Debt Maturity Wall This chart shows the massive wave of maturities faced by investment-grade and speculative-grade U.S. companies in coming years. Image: Oxford Economics

The Fed’s Treasury Holdings by Maturity

The Fed’s Treasury Holdings by Maturity Nice chart showing the Fed’s Treasury holdings by maturity before and after the financial crisis. Image: Reuters