Active Equity Managers Still Underperform

Active Equity Managers Still Underperform This chart shows the low percentage of active funds that outperformed and how difficult it really is to beat the market over time. You may also like “The Rise of Passive Investing.” Image: PIMCO

Investing in Volatile Markets

Investing in Volatile Markets Mike Novogratz (CEO of Galaxy Digital), Joshua Harris (Co-Founder of Apollo Global Management), Amanda Staveley (CEO of PCP Capital Partners) and Todd Boehly (CEO of Eldridge Industries) discuss how to invest in volatile global markets and identify attractive risk-adjusted investments.

Estimated Number of Hedge Funds Launched or Closed since 2008

Estimated Number of Hedge Funds Launched or Closed since 2008 Can hedge funds deliver higher returns than passive investing? Not really. But many investors still think they can achieve higher returns with active trading than with passive investing. The chart below shows that it is really hard to outperform the market. As Warren Buffett said,…


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