What Will Be the Most Important Driver of Equity Prices?

What Will Be the Most Important Driver of Equity Prices? According to FMS investors, the Fed’s decisions will be the main catalyst for the direction and performance of equities in 2024. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey

Importance of Macro Driver in Explaining Returns

Importance of Macro Driver in Explaining Returns Higher real 10-year UST yields can potentially lead to a decrease in U.S. stock returns, but other factors should also be considered. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

China and Mexico as % of U.S. Imports

China and Mexico as % of U.S. Imports For the first time since 2003, the United States currently imports more goods from Mexico than from China. Will this trend continue? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Big 4 Asia Imports vs. ISM Manufacturing PMI

Big 4 Asia Imports vs. ISM Manufacturing PMI The weak demand in Asian markets is affecting various industries and economies worldwide. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

China Imports

China Imports Should investors be worried about the sharp decline in Chinese imports? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Importance of the Biggest Stocks by Region

Importance of the Biggest Stocks by Region With rising stock market concentration, investors are taking more risk. Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research