U.S. Consumer Confidence

U.S. Consumer Confidence The U.S. economy has experienced robust growth, as reflected in the headline GDP data, but consumer confidence has worsened. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

CEO Confidence

CEO Confidence The recent improvement in CEO confidence in the U.S. indicates a renewed sense of optimism among business leaders. This is a significant development that can have far-reaching effects on the U.S. economy and business landscape. Image: BofA Global Research

NFIB Small Business Confidence Index

NFIB Small Business Confidence Index The NFIB Small Business Confidence Index has fallen to 88.5, a level linked with recessions. This decline is concerning as it suggests small business owners are less optimistic about their businesses and the economy. Image: Real Investment Advice

Consumer Confidence Composite and S&P 500

Consumer Confidence Composite and S&P 500 While confidence has increased alongside the market rally, the enthusiasm seen in the U.S. stock market appears to be detached from the main driver of the economy, which is the consumer. Image: Real Investment Advice

Conference Board Consumer Confidence and U.S. Treasury Yield Curve

Conference Board Consumer Confidence and U.S. Treasury Yield Curve Historically, the U.S. Treasury yield curve has tended to follow consumer confidence, underscoring the importance of monitoring consumer confidence as a potential indicator of future yield curve movements. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

NFIB Confidence vs. U.S. Small-Cap Stocks

NFIB Confidence vs. U.S. Small-Cap Stocks There is a good correlation between the annual rate of change in the NFIB Small Business Survey and U.S. small-cap stocks. Image: Real Investment Advice