Global Market Implied Equity Risk Premiums

Global Market Implied Equity Risk Premiums In the U.S., the low equity risk premium points to a challenging investment climate, suggesting that the risks associated with equity investments may not be appropriately compensated. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

S&P 500 vs. Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index

S&P 500 vs. Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index This chart highlights the wide divergence between the S&P 500 and the growing anxiety among Americans on the condition of the U.S. economy, their personal finances and the buying climate. Image: Lohman Econometrics

Global CO2 Emissions

Global CO2 Emissions Worried about climate change? Global carbon dioxide emissions hit a record this year. Image: Financial Times

Temperature Changes Around The World

Temperature Changes Around The World This climate stripes graphic shows how average temperatures have risen since 1901. Image: Ed Hawkins/Reading University

“Ken Fisher: Thinking in Ways That Others Do Not, with John Tamny”

“Ken Fisher: Thinking in Ways That Others Do Not, with John Tamny” Great interview of Ken Fisher on: coastal redwoods, dikes and climate change, efficient markets, quantitative easing (QE) vs. inflation, humans as a group are slow to learn, recessions, Fed and interest rates, why philanthropy is bad and immoral, and why inequality is a good…