Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Equity Exposure

Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Equity Exposure Reflecting optimism in the current economic climate, hedge funds and mutual funds have collectively increased their stakes in equities, indicative of a broader market preference for stocks. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Hedge Fund Gross Leverage

Hedge Fund Gross Leverage While the trend shows a reduction in equity exposure from hedge funds ahead of the U.S. election, the outlook post-election appears optimistic, with expectations of a market rebound as investor sentiment improves. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Hedge Funds – Net Buys

Hedge Funds – Net Buys Hedge funds continue to hit the sell button, resulting in significant outflows over the past 3 months. Image: BofA Securities

Hedge Funds’ Cyclical vs. Defensive Positioning

Hedge Funds’ Cyclical vs. Defensive Positioning During economic expansion, investors favor cyclicals over defensives. The current low hedge fund exposure to cyclical vs. defensive sectors may present a potential opportunity for contrarian investors. Image: BofA Global Research

Hedge Fund Net Leverage

Hedge Fund Net Leverage Aggregate hedge fund net leverage remains high compared to the average level. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Hedge Funds and Systematic Investor Positioning

Hedge Funds and Systematic Investor Positioning Hedge funds and systematic investor positioning is low in a long-term historical context. Is any market pullback a buying opportunity? Image: J.P. Morgan Quantitative and Deratives Strategy