Hedge Fund Leverage

Hedge Fund Leverage Hedge fund net leverage is close to record levels. It is also high compared to the average level of the last ten years. Image: Morgan Stanley

Hedge Fund Gross / Net Exposure (Leverage)

Hedge Fund Gross / Net Exposure (Leverage) Hedge fund net exposure rose to 75%. This is the highest level in over two years. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Long/Short Hedge Funds Beta to Mega Cap Growth Stocks

Long/Short Hedge Funds Beta to Mega Cap Growth Stocks Hedge funds aren’t chasing the current market rally, as long/short hedge funds beta to the mega growth stocks is below historical average. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

Weight of Top 10 Positions in Median Hedge Fund Long Portfolio

Weight of Top 10 Positions in Median Hedge Fund Long Portfolio The average hedge fund holds 71% of its long portfolio in its top 10 positions. This is one percentage point below the record high of 72% reached in 2019. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research