Tech and Health Care as % of S&P 500 Market Capitalization

Tech and Health Care as % of S&P 500 Market Capitalization The tech and health care sectors have led the U.S. market higher, but now account for nearly 55% of the S&P 500’s capitalization. Image: BofA Research Investment Committee

Projected U.S. Health Care Costs

Projected U.S. Health Care Costs Over the next 10 years, the federal government is expected to spend $16 trillion on health care and $6 trillion on interest costs. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Total Annual Health Care Spending Per U.S. Family

Total Annual Health Care Spending Per U.S. Family Headlines say there’s no inflation, but U.S. health care costs have skyrocketed. The annual health care cost for U.S. families is $23,000 vs. $10,000 in 2003. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Health Care: Uninsured Rate

Health Care: Uninsured Rate Chart showing that the uninsured rate was down until the last year. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research