U.S. Stock Market Bull and Bear Indicator

U.S. Stock Market Bull and Bear Indicator Using multiple financial data, this great model helps investors navigate through different market conditions. It suggests whether the U.S. stock market tendency is bullish, bearish or neutral. It is a contrarian indicator. A bullish signal suggests that the U.S. stock market may go up, while a bearish signal…

Different Market Sentiment Indicators

Different Market Sentiment Indicators Most market sentiment indicators demonstrate a willingness to take on risk, signaling an optimistic market outlook. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Sentiment Indicator and Stock Positioning

Sentiment Indicator and Stock Positioning The GS sentiment indicator no longer being stretched is a positive sign. This indicates a balanced sentiment among investors and could result in more sustainable market trends and lower volatility. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Market Sentiment Indicator

Market Sentiment Indicator Morgan Stanley’s market sentiment indicator is currently in a neutral position. This suggests that investors do not have an overly bullish or bearish outlook on the current market conditions. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

Sell Side Consensus Indicator

Sell Side Consensus Indicator The Sell Side Indicator, which tracks Wall Street strategists’ equity allocation recommendations, was unchanged in June. The current level suggests that the S&P 500 may see positive gains over the next 12 months. Image: BofA US Equity and Quant Strategy

Risk Appetite Indicator Level and Momentum Factors

Risk Appetite Indicator Level and Momentum Factors The risk appetite indicator is slightly positive, indicating that investors are exhibiting a moderate level of risk-taking behavior in the market. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Regime Indicator

U.S. Regime Indicator In April, the U.S. regime indicator showed improvement, indicating positive signs and encouraging trends, which is great news. Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy