Total Equity Market Capitalization per Country

Total Equity Market Capitalization per Country The United States has the largest equity market capitalization in the world (over $41 trillion as of December 31, 2022). Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Eurozone – 10-Year Yields by Country

Eurozone – 10-Year Yields by Country One currency in the eurozone, but so many different interest rates. Can the eurozone survive in the long term? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

FAAMG Stocks – GDP by Country and FAAMG by Market Capitalization

FAAMG Stocks – GDP by Country and FAAMG by Market Capitalization FAAMG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google) market capitalization exceeds $10 trillion and is equivalent to the 3rd largest GDP in world. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Coronavirus – Covid Cases vs. Deaths by Country

Coronavirus – Covid Cases vs. Deaths by Country The delta COVID-19 variant poses a risk, but the link between COVID cases and deaths has weakened. Image: J.P. Morgan Global Markets Strategy